Hope Bolinger has given classes at 300+ venues. This has ranged from conferences, to classroom settings, to libraries, to podcast/radio/TV. She is one of those weird authors who loves public speaking.
Hope is always open to Virtual Classes, and to give classes in person in the Ohio area (and other states within easy driving distance, such as PA and IN).
She has talked with a variety of ages and on several topics (see below), but has especially a heart for young writers. So many writers invested in her when she was in high school/college, and she loves to do the same.
For rates contact Hope at hope.bolinger@gmail.com
Below are a sample of classes Hope has taught, but Hope can always custom-make a class, as she's taught a variety of them on subjects ranging from fiction, publishing, editing, nonfiction, and children's writing.

Breaking into Publishing
There are a lot of Gatekeepers in publishing. Thankfully, Hope has done just about everything from agenting, working at publishers, and yes, writing for publication. She'll show you how to break into publishing the easiest way.
Starting Your Dream Now
A class for young writers. Hope started her publishing journey in high school, and wished that she'd been given more guidance—instead of stumbling in the dark for so many years. Hope will show young writers how to break into an often-ageist industry, and how to get started now.

How to Write a Book in a Month
It is possible. In fact, Hope does it for every book she has written. This class will help you to increase your speed and productivity, and to turn off that internal editor who won't leave you alone. So you can finally finish that first draft.
Plotter or Pantser, Which Are You?
In order to write a book well, you have to know yourself. And the truth is, most writers fall somewhere in between these two categories (outliners, and non-outliners). This class will help you to discover what type of writer you are, and to increase your productivity.