Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to all writers, explorers, and strugglers of this publishing industry.
Your Christmas miracle may not happen on December 25th. Perhaps you've been waiting for ages to hear back from a publisher or wonder if you'll get those edits done on that debut novel.
Or maybe your struggles exist far beyond the writing sphere. Perhaps the idea of gathering family together for one day will squeeze you of more energy than you can bear. Although we proclaim, "Joy to the World," this time of year can often bring the greatest sadness.
Let me know how I can encourage you this season, and the seasons beyond. I believe that if the power of one little child entering the world can form a truce in the middle of a World War, the same power has the shape to change our lives forever. In the little things and big things and the little things that turned out to be big things.
Merry Christmas! More to come in the next year!